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Part 1: There's enough for everyone

An Educational Series by Mary Howe-Watson

June 6, 2022

There is enough for everyone in


Allowing seeds to fall naturally and grow again in organic rhythms. Birds will eat tomatoes and poop everywhere, new tomatoes will pop up everywhere. Rats, squirrels, and monkeys will all help us scatter or bury seeds. Nature can be very generous and abundant… and work in it’s own way.


A forest grows by itself, it doesn’t need us to till the soil, plough, dig, sew seeds, or water. Yet it is abundant. All we need to do is harvest.

Action Steps

1. This is part of a 6-part series. Read Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6

2. Can you help us grow? Learn about Growing Hope: Mission 2022

3. Subscribe below for future updates.

4. Start your own veggie patch or home garden