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Easy things you can Grow at Home

by Jacqueline du Plessis

April 16, 2022

Growing Hope is on a mission not only to put permaculture food gardens in schools in South Africa, but also to inspire any humans to grow as much of their own food at home as is possible - and it's alot less work thank you might think!Not only will you not be reliant on the shops and mass agriculture as much, but there is nothing quite like growing and then eating your own tomatos, herbs, greens! Fresh and organic grown salad and veg from the garden is not only better for you, it's better for the planet (more on that another time).. 

Below is a list of very easy to grow herbs and vegetables we encourage you to try gr 

1. Thyme

2. Chives 

3. Spring onions (to harvest don't pull out, just cut and it will regrow leave roots in) 

4. Rosemary 

5. Parsley

6. Basil

7. Spinach & varying greens

8. Lettuce (all variety)

9. Baby tomatoes (all sizes)

10. Peppers (pepperdews)

11. Chillis (all varieties)

12. Mint

13. Coriander (cilanto)

14. Rocket

Variety of Cover Crops

Then you wish you can also throw a mixture of cover crop seeds. Things like corn, sunflowers, beans, carrots, raddishes between what you have planted. This gives a mixture of benefits for the soil and the ecosystem of your garden. 

I also love to plant cruciferous veg, things like cabbages, califlower, broccoli and kale but you will have to do a bit of research on these and how to do organically as the bugs do tend to likes there alot and you will learn how bugs are not to be poisoned away and are part of a healthy ecosystme. 

And finally, make sure you plant comfrey. In a future article, we will share with you how to propogate comfrey and have it not only as a pest contro, but also and turn it into an organic and natural fertilizer for your garden.


Experiement planting at least 3 of the options mentioned above, and begin to learn from nature, and see how She gives back abundantly, and how much joy and empowerment you receive from growing your own food! You will also feela little more soverign and self empowered and deep down you will know, in your own small way, you are doing your part in helping to rebuild the reguvenate the soil, rather than destroying it via supporting mass agriculture. We vote with our wallets, whether we know it or not. 

Happy growing!

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